Unlock your Human Design Chart - Energy Type
Do you want to manifest with ease and live a fulfilling life? Once you have your free human design chart, you can start your self-discovery journey with your energy type. It's been proven that individuals who know and use their Energy Type have more success in all areas of life. The path to being your happiest, most successful self is one that is as unique as you! We are all different which is why a strategy that works for a friend or influencer might not work for you.
Please remember that no energy type is better or worse than another just like there is no best zodiac sign.
Understanding your energy type, strategy and signs of frustration can help you live in alignment and help you discover your soul's purpose while living in joy during the process. Many of us have spent our entire life living according to programming from our parents, friends, mentors, etc. so it will take time to un-program those habits to live according to our chart.
We recommend starting with small daily rituals that help you relax and get in better tune with yourself. If you find you don't have enough time, just 5min of self care every morning and evening will actually give you more time by focusing your energy and allowing a greater level of efficiency. We have a 30 day challenge that curates daily self care rituals based on your human design energy type that helps you use your chart to be your best self or you can create your own program using the human design information below.

As a human design reflector, you are born with a unique and special connection to the cosmic world around you. It wouldn’t surprise us if people make jokes about your being a psychic (or if you actually are one!). It is your role to enliven and lift up the energy of others. You can amplify and reflect other people's energy to them in a non-imposing, non-judgmental way.
You will lead the way to a global awakening of consciousness but it is important for you to find your place in the heart of your community. Even though you have all open centers you have a protective aura to help guide you and are no more susceptible to outside influences than any other person.
Your biggest fear may be not being seen or included (talk about extreme FOMO) and this can lead to non-authentic behaviors and feelings of disappointment. It is important that while you feel the energy (pain and joy) of others to stay neutral. Questions to ask yourself: “Who am I today?” or “Can I be myself?” If you feel yourself dipping into this feeling, remember to delight in everyday miracles, which you’re so good at finding.
Feeling disappointed? It may be time to switch your circles or take a look at your environment. Feeling disappointed is your tell tale sign you are out of alignment.
Your strategy is to wait and get in sync with the lunar cycle. Surprise in the everyday miracles of life is what ignites your soul so look for them constantly and appreciate them even if everyone around you thinks you're crazy for hugging the tree.
One moon cycle of living in alignment with your chart will help you to awaken your mind to what is your truth vs what is the programming. Focusing on your truth over your programming will help alleviate the resistance.
Glow inside and out with a curated journey of oils and self care acts that will help you discover your purpose and infuse self love and joy into your daily life.
Human Design Reflector Self Care Guide
Morning – As someone who tends to take on a lot, it is important for you to ground yourself each morning by journaling and saying your affirmations as you apply your face oils.
During the day - As an open and sensitive being, it’s important to take care of yourself and not let yourself become overwhelmed by the world’s pain. It is best for you to spend as much time in nature as you can. In order to release the energy you pick up during the day, it’s important to have a dedicated space for you to unwind. Recommended Essential oil: De-Stress
Nighttime- For a human design reflector like you, it is not a good idea to go to bed completely exhausted and start to wind down an hour before so you can release energies that do not belong to you and prepare for a restful night. Make sure you get your alone time! Essential oil: Sleep because of the Sandalwood essential oils!
Smell is also the only sense connected to the limbic lobe of the brain, which controls emotions and is strongly linked to behavioral patterning so can help you reprogram your open center and strengthen your defined centers. Use oils with your self care to awaken your senses and recondition any old stories you may be telling yourself that no longer serve you.
Glow inside and out with a curated journey of oils and self care acts that will help you discover your purpose and infuse self love and joy into your daily life.

The Manifestor Human Design is also rare indeed as only 10% of the population identify as Manifestor. Go head, take a victory lap. But then come back, because we’ve got work to do! You have a gift for initiating action and creating impact that is long lasting. It is the main goal of the manifestor human design to find the peace to do what they want, when they want to do it, which can make them great entrepreneurs but not always great employees if not in a leadership role.
You are at ease in solitude and find peace in manifesting what you want for yourself which can sometimes not make you the best team player – you’re probably relieved you’re not stuck in school doing group projects anymore! It may feel as though there is an ever present pressure to make things happen, as this is key to fulfilling your purpose.
The manifestor human design can have a repelling aura that can sometimes be misinterpreted and make people feel defensive or protective. To improve relationships, it is important to communicate after you have made a decision but before you take action.
You may need to confront the following fears: Fear of upsetting someone, fear of confrontation, fear of control. It might feel easier to just become a hermit, but you can totally learn to not listen to these fears and grow even more in your relationships.
When you are resisting your true nature and not using your strategy, you might tend towards anger.
The manifestor human design soul desires peace, a place of no resistance. In order to do that, you must follow a strategy that works for you. In your relationships, you have to bring people along the journey with you by telling them (informing) what you are doing even if you are worried they don’t agree. It’s definitely not the end of the world if someone disagrees with you!
Manifestor Self Care Guide:
Smell is the only sense connected to the limbic lobe of the brain, which controls emotions and is strongly linked to behavioral patterning so it can help you reprogram your open center and strengthen your defined centers. Use oils with your self care to awaken your senses and recondition any old stories you may be telling yourself that no longer serve you.
Morning: For the manifestor like you, it’s important to begin the day with some movement, such as yoga or stretching. Even 5-10 minutes is something! Apply your face oils while saying your affirmations.
During the Day: Burst + Retreat is necessary. The manifestor human design type needs to take care not to experience burnout, which they will tend to do left to their own devices. A capitalist society will peer pressure you into working too hard for too long. Instead, honor your rhythm – retreat and rest when needed. Think of it as an act of rebellion! You may have bursts of productivity, but then you need to rest. Don’t subscribe to the “shoulds” – whatever works best for you is what’s best for you. Essential oil: Headache (Lavender and Peppermint essential oil)
Night Time: Start your wind-down routine by washing your face and then apply an oil while tapping your whole face. For you, it is best to lie down for up to one hour before going to sleep in order to discharge from the day. You can do whatever activity feels best to you (reading, television, listening to music...), though it’s probably best if you stay off of social media.
One moon cycle of living in alignment the manifestor human design chart will help you to awaken your mind to what is your truth vs what is the programming. We invite you to embark on a self-discovery process that brings self-love and joy.

Manifesting Generators are full of creativity and energy and love to work when you love what you do. You love to be engaged and will follow through step by step to the end, but if you get stuck you do need new input or instructions so you can continue to respond and thrive. You are amazing at mastering skills and need to be careful of the temptation to quit. Manifesting Generators have the benefit of efficiency as they can see steps that can be skipped but can also be impatient and skip important steps along the way. You are more likely to be impatient and aggressive compared to pure generators.
You will get there...keep at it!
All Manifesting Generators have embracing auras but have to wait to respond to the right opportunity. The frustration can come when you feel like waiting to respond feels like doing nothing. This is the opposite of their nature as the energy force of doing comes very naturally to a Manifesting Generator. Trust and patience are the name of the game. Think "The Universe has you Back" and amazing things are coming. What’s meant for you will come to you, so it’s best to shift your frustrated energy to satisfaction, knowing that you do not need to act unless it feels right. Wait for the right opportunity. It will come. You don’t have to create the opportunity, just be the energy behind it. While practicing this shift, it is important to stay clear of fear of failure, the unknown or losing control.
If you are frustrated, take a look at what you are spending your time on. Are you trying to make things happen rather than allow them to happen? For Manifesting Generators, frustration is a sign that energy is not being optimized.
Your strategy is to wait for the right opportunities and respond. If you are frustrated, you are not allowing the “waiting process” and trying to force things to happen. Your signature is satisfaction in work and relationships above all else.
Manifesting Generator Self Care Guide:
Smell is also the only sense connected to the limbic lobe of the brain, which controls emotions and is strongly linked to behavioral patterning so can help you reprogram your open center and strengthen your defined centers. Use oils with your self care to awaken your senses and recondition any old stories you may be telling yourself that no longer serve you.
Morning - As a Manifesting Generator, your energy likes to move! To start your day, get a workout or walk in to get all that energy moving. After your morning movement, it’s beneficial to massage your face with oils to waken your lymphatic system. Essential oils: Peppermint & Lavender oil (Headache Blend)
During the Day - need to move their bodies. But make sure you find a type of movement that brings you joy so that you do not resent your need to move. This could be dancing, boxing, yoga, walking, or anything else that gets your heart rate going and leaves you feeling alive. Essential oils: Cardamom and geranium
Night - Manifesting Generators have to wear themselves out every day to get a good night’s sleep. If you tend to toss and turn, you may not be getting enough physical exercise. Face yoga and more active self-care routines will be best for you. Essential oils: Lavender or Sandalwood (Sleep Essential Oil)
Join us for one moon cycle of living in alignment with your chart will help you to awaken your mind to what is your truth vs what is the programming.

Generators are full of creativity and energy and love to work – that is, when you love what you do. You love to be engaged and will follow through step by step to the end, but if you get stuck you do need new input or instructions so you can continue to respond and thrive. You are amazing at mastering skills and need to be careful of the temptation to quit on the rare occasion that something takes a little longer to master. You will get there...keep at it and remember that learning is just as much about the journey as the destination. That might sound corny, but people enjoy road trips for a reason.
All Generators have embracing auras but have to wait to respond to the right opportunity. The frustration can come when generators feel like waiting to respond feels like doing nothing. This is the opposite of their nature as the energy force of doing comes very naturally to a Generator. Basically, patience can feel like watching literal paint dry but trust and patience are the name of the game. What’s meant for you will come to you, so it’s best to shift your frustrated energy to satisfaction, knowing that you do not need to act unless it feels right. Wait for the right opportunity. It will come. You don’t have to create the opportunity, just be the energy behind it. While practicing this shift, is important to stay clear of fear of failure, the unknown or losing control.
Generators Human Design Self Care Guide:
Smell is also the only sense connected to the limbic lobe of the brain, which controls emotions and is strongly linked to behavioral patterning so can help you reprogram your open center and strengthen your defined centers. Use oils with your self care to awaken your senses and recondition any old stories you may be telling yourself that no longer serve you.
Morning - As a Generator, your energy likes to move! To start your day, get a workout or walk in to get all that energy moving. After your morning movement, it’s beneficial to massage your face with oils to waken your lymphatic system. Essential oils: Peppermint & Lavender (Headache)
During the Day - Generators need to move their bodies. But make sure you find a type of movement that ignites your soul so that you do not resent your need to move. This could be dancing, boxing, yoga, walking, or anything else that gets your heart rate going and leaves you feeling alive. Essential oils: Cardamom and geranium
Night - In order to get a proper, restful night’s sleep, it’s important for Generators to expend their excess energy through movement throughout the day. If you can’t fall asleep at night, you may not be getting enough physical exercise. Face yoga and more active self-care routines will be best for you. Essential oils: Lavender or Sandalwood (Sleep)
Join us for one moon cycle of living in alignment with your chart to awaken your mind to what is your truth vs what is the programming.

Projectors human design have an openness towards life with a penetrating aura that allows you to see the big picture, recognize the gifts in others and bring people together. You are a natural networker, mediator and leader. People are very lucky to have you in their lives!
You are open to invitations which draws people in and out of your life so, like generators, you are waiting for the right opportunity. This is hard as you want to be and must be recognized in order to fulfill your soul’s design as administrator or guide. The key is to listen to your inner authority and accept the right invitations so you can direct your energy accordingly. No need to overbook your energy’s social calendar.
Projectors human design are most fulfilled by recognition and are quick to be bitter if this need is not met. But don’t be too hasty – before you decide the entire world has come together to talk behind your back slumber part style, it is important to be patient and ensure you are surrounding yourself with the right people to foster your unique gifts. Be careful you do not do things that do not feel authentic just to get the praise. Do not settle for the wrong opportunity.
Feeling bitter? Make sure you are not trying to be someone you are not. Your definition of success does not have to match anyone else's idea. If you are bitter, you are not in alignment with your energy so pay attention.
Projectors Human Design Self Care Guide:
Essential oils are recognized as having the highest vibrational frequency of all things found in nature and can positively affect our own vibrational energy, our energy field and our aura, thereby helping to improve our overall energy and state of being so definitely incorporate them in your routine.
Morning: Start your morning by applying your oils and saying affirmations while doing some gentle self-massage.
During the day: Digesting things in small portions is your body and energy’s MO. This can be literal, such as with food, or more abstract, such as with information and other people’s energy. Throughout the day, make a habit of recognizing what’s not yours and letting it go.
Nightime: Since you tend to take on others’ energy during the day, it’s a good practice to lie down for 30 minutes in a room ALONE before going to sleep. This will give you ample time to fully discharge what isn’t yours and integrate what is. Choose whatever activity that feels relaxing to you (reading, television, listening to music...), though it’s probably best if you stay off social media. Essential oil: Sandlewood (Sleep)
Spend one moon cycle of living in alignment with your projector human design to awaken your mind to what is your truth vs what is the programming. Get ready to embark on a self-discovery process that brings self-love and joy.
Next you should look into what environments best allow you to thrive according to your human design chart.
Summary Human Design Chart of Energy Types

About the Author: Kavita Sahai, The Founder
Kavita Sahai has worked in the wellness industry for over a decade and is a certified expert in aromatherapy, Ayurveda, yoga, and nutrition, with a rich background in human design and beauty oils. Kavita combines traditional wisdom with modern research to offer holistic wellness and beauty insights. Focused on sustainable self-care practices, Kavita guides individuals towards achieving both internal and external radiance. She hold an undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and a Master's from UC Berkeley.

Human Design Full Report + 2 BONUS REPORTS – https://ksahai.com/pages/human-design-bundle