So Why Human Design?
Human Design is a holistic method of self-knowledge. It borrows a lot from Astrology, so you can think of them like sisters.
Using information about your birth time and location, Human Design identifies your energy type and tells you all kinds of stuff about yourself that even your diary doesn’t know. It also combines ancient knowledge with modern science – a practice after our own heart!
At K Sahai we know you want to be living to your soul's highest purpose. In order to do that you need to know your true calling (dharma). The problem is you don’t know what that is or where to start which makes you feel unfulfilled.
We believe everyone deserves to step into their fullest potential so together we can raise the vibration of the planet. We understand what it's like to feel overwhelmed when you are not in alignment with your true purpose. Which is why we use technology and years of experience to channel the power of human design, a way to find your soul's purpose and joy. Ultimately, it simply helps you reconnect with who you are at your core so you can discover your purpose, show up as your true self and practice the art of self love.
So Why Human Design?
Human Design is a holistic method of self-knowledge. It borrows a lot from Astrology, so you can think of them like sisters.
Using information about your birth time and location, Human Design identifies your energy type and tells you all kinds of stuff about yourself that even your diary doesn’t know. It also combines ancient knowledge with modern science – a practice after our own heart!
At K Sahai we know you want to be living to your soul's highest purpose. In order to do that you need to know your true calling (dharma). The problem is you don’t know what that is or where to start which makes you feel unfulfilled.
We believe everyone deserves to step into their fullest potential so together we can raise the vibration of the planet. We understand what it's like to feel overwhelmed when you are not in alignment with your true purpose. Which is why we use technology and years of experience to channel the power of human design, a way to find your soul's purpose and joy. Ultimately, it simply helps you reconnect with who you are at your core so you can discover your purpose, show up as your true self and practice the art of self love.
Discover your Soul's True Purpose
Embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-love and joy.
How Can Knowing My Human Design Help me?
Imagine having the key to unlock your deepest potentials, understand your unique strengths, and navigate life with clarity and purpose...
That's exactly what knowing your Human Design can offer you!
Your Human Design chart is more than just a compilation of astrological data—it's a roadmap to your soul's blueprint.
Are You Ready to Embrace Your True Potential?
Your Human Design chart holds the key to unlocking a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by... Take the first step towards self-discovery and transformation by filling out your chart today!
Your future self will thank you for it.
So Why Human Design?
Human Design is a holistic method of self-knowledge. It borrows a lot from Astrology, so you can think of them like sisters.
Using information about your birth time and location, Human Design identifies your energy type and tells you all kinds of stuff about yourself that even your diary doesn’t know. It also combines ancient knowledge with modern science – a practice after our own heart!
At K Sahai we know you want to be living to your soul's highest purpose. In order to do that you need to know your true calling (dharma). The problem is you don’t know what that is or where to start which makes you feel unfulfilled.
We believe everyone deserves to step into their fullest potential so together we can raise the vibration of the planet. We understand what it's like to feel overwhelmed when you are not in alignment with your true purpose. Which is why we use technology and years of experience to channel the power of human design, a way to find your soul's purpose and joy. Ultimately, it simply helps you reconnect with who you are at your core so you can discover your purpose, show up as your true self and practice the art of self love.
So Why Human Design?
At K Sahai we know you want to be living to your soul's highest purpose. In order to do that you need to know your true calling (dharma). The problem is you don’t know what that is or where to start which makes you feel unfulfilled.
We believe everyone deserves to step into their fullest potential so together we can raise the vibration of the planet. We understand what it's like to feel overwhelmed when you are not in alignment with your true purpose. Which is why we use technology and years of experience to channel the power of human design, a way to find your soul's purpose and joy.
So Why Human Design?
Human Design is a holistic method of self-knowledge. It borrows a lot from Astrology, so you can think of them like sisters.
Using information about your birth time and location, Human Design identifies your energy type and tells you all kinds of stuff about yourself that even your diary doesn’t know. It also combines ancient knowledge with modern science – a practice after our own heart!
At K Sahai we know you want to be living to your soul's highest purpose. In order to do that you need to know your true calling (dharma). The problem is you don’t know what that is or where to start which makes you feel unfulfilled.
We believe everyone deserves to step into their fullest potential so together we can raise the vibration of the planet. We understand what it's like to feel overwhelmed when you are not in alignment with your true purpose. Which is why we use technology and years of experience to channel the power of human design, a way to find your soul's purpose and joy. Ultimately, it simply helps you reconnect with who you are at your core so you can discover your purpose, show up as your true self and practice the art of self love.
How do we do it?
1. Discover your Design
It's kind of like finding out which Disney Princess you are, but we tell you your soul's purpose...deep, we know.

2. Step into your Purpose
Hear all about how amazing you are, and where there's room for growth.

3. Get ongoing soul Guidance
It's like getting life advice from your cool aunt (sneaky glass of wine not included).

Let us answer your questions!
- What's the catch? Why is it free?
- Where does Human Design come from?
- Can my design change?
- Can I do something to fix my open centers?
- Can my Human Design help me have better relationships?
We believe that by helping people discover their true purpose, we raise their vibration and the vibration of the planet. It's a gift we are happy to give.
Human design combines Kabbalah, I'Ching, the chakra system, quantum physics, genetics, and biochemistry all into one master system. It's a one stop shop.
We know it sounds a little too good to be true, but once you get your actual human design, you will change your mind.
No, your design is based on your time & place of birth and this never changes. Your design remains the same for your whole life.
The energy is neutral, but the way it gets expressed can be positive or negative. Also, there is no such thing as a perfect design, or a bad design.
There's nothing about how you are designed that makes you less than anyone else? You are perfectly designed.
The open or undefined centers (the white ones) are places where we learn from other places (school, work, YouTube). They are not empty, broken or bad. They are open to outside influences and can become the source of behavior that takes us away from our true self. They can be a source of distraction but also one of deep learning when aligned with our purpose.
Yes! Get ready to have amazing relationships because you are following your true self and being your true self by not falling for the Not-self strategies of your open centers. It also helps to match charts to ensure you and your partner are a fit.