Diversity and Inclusion in Beauty Products Matters.

While the beauty and skin care world targets everyone, that hasn’t always been the case. We’ll be real with you: beauty products used to be synonymous with whiteness. Thankfully, things are changing. The beauty and skincare industry is more and more driven by one overwhelming and important distinction: everyone is unique and different! 

Diversity and inclusion in beauty and skin care products have triggered a seismic shift in the field of beauty care. Traditional, cookie-cutter beauty standards are fading, but that doesn’t mean there are less products available for anyone. It’s not like pie (hm, we could really go for some pie…). It just means there is something for everyone! Nearly half of beauty product users now say they shop for brands with diversity or inclusivity. Those sound like our kind of people!

Regardless of race, age, religion, ability, skin tone, skin type, size, gender or sexuality --- people want to look good and feel their best. Some call it “inclusive beauty.” Beauty and skin care consumers are demanding diversity and inclusion in beauty and skin care products and looking for understanding and personalized products that meet their individual needs.

Some popular and innovative beauty products are leaning into the blessing that is uniqueness and are now dynamically focused on customization. After all, beauty is not about meeting a set standard, but rather about personalization. About feeling and looking the personal best in your skin. I mean, no one’s finger prints are the same. Why would we expect the rest of their skin to be? People are composed of an array of colors, textures, and contrasts that make a person’s body, and especially skin, unique. 

Inclusive beauty also defines that different ethnicities have varying levels of hydration, barrier function, and melanin. That's why some beauty products customize skin care with high-performing botanicals, expertly combined to work well for the unique individual. Gone are the days of trying to be your own lab tech and tinkering with a combination of 15 different products that will hopefully produce the right result (and more likely, a small explosion).

Some beauty and skin care products brands really understand the diversity of skincare, carefully taking into consideration a customer’s age, race, and ethnicity, tailoring products to meet specific needs, and emphasizing essentials like ingredient transparency, inclusive beauty and clean beauty products. 

Beauty and skin care consumers increasingly seek-out products with models that look like them, or products that are customized for them, and are demanding accountability from the product makers about their diversity and inclusion practices. Inclusive beauty is becoming more important than ever!

Beauty and skin care experts are breaking traditional boundaries. Diversity and inclusion in beauty and skin care products are crucial components. From the customized formulations, the product ingredients, all the way to the packaging, and the models featured in ads, diversity and inclusion in beauty and skin care products is expanding (and embracing) a wider range of consumers and make beauty more accessible. 

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