Rosemary and Aromatherapy: The Essential Oil You Didn’t Know You Needed

Refreshing. Stimulative. Rejuvenating. These are the first words that come to mind when I think of rosemary as an essential oil. When I first began my journey exploring the benefits of oils and aromatherapy, rosemary was one that took me by surprise.

The common garden herb has more to offer than its distinctive flavor. Its aroma is sharp, woody, campherous, and actually quite soothing. Native to the Mediterranean region, recent studies have grounded the plant’s ancient therapeutic claims, to boost memory and improve mood, in scientific fact.

How can you benefit from Rosemary Oil?

Of course, rosemary extract can perform more than simply soothing frayed nerves. Its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, carminative, and hepatoprotective properties have allowed the aroma to have a range of curative benefits.

Here are 5 reasons to add Rosemary Oil into your aromatherapy regime.
  1. Cognitive Support

According to a study conducted by Therapeutic Advancements in Psychopharmacology , rosemary’s healing aroma can be contributed to the naturally found compound 1,8-ceneole, which makes up one-third of the essential oil.

Researchers found that the longer volunteers were exposed to 1,8-ceneole, the better the cognitive response in areas of accuracy, speed, performance, and concentration.

      2. Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

When used in aromatherapy, rosemary decreases the level of cortisol, a hormone responsible for raising levels of stress during tense experiences. Research found that inhaling the oil for just five minutes drastically improved cortisol levels found in saliva, which could reduce the dangers of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression.

      3. Anti-Oxidant/Expectorant

Rosemary oil has been found to boost the immune system. Through stimulation of internal
activity and anti-oxidants, which aids in fighting ailments caused by free radicals, it relieves
nasal, throat, and chest congestion by clearing the respiratory tract.

      4. Brain Health

Scientists also believe that rosemary can provide neurological protection and prevent brain aging. Rosemary oil contains carnosic acid, which challenges free radicals in the brain. Studies with rats have found that this could be useful for patients affected by a stroke. Results show that rosemary oil improves recovery and even protects against brain damage.

       5. Dementia Prevention

As the search for a cure to Alzheimer’s continues, The Therapeutic Potential of Rosemary for Alzheimer's Disease suggests that rosemary oil’s use in aromatherapy, may play a significant role in protecting memory capacity and changes in brain structure. While several studies show promise, the healing connection between dementia treatment and essential oils is still being explored.

About the Writer

Elizabeth Thorp is a freelance writer and content marketer from Colorado Springs, CO. She is currently studying towards her B.A. in Business with a focus on Marketing at the University of Colorado. As a self proclaimed explorer, health enthusiast, and mother of two, she publishes content that supports a healthy mind and lifestyle.

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